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Your Votes for APC in 2015 got you nothing, Atiku tells Yobe, Borno people

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Don’t use IDPs to manipulate polls, Secondus warns INEC


THE presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Atiku Abubakar, has told the people of Yobe and Borno states that despite voting massively for the ruling All Progressive Congress (APC) in 2015, they have not got anything in return.

He has, therefore, admonished them not to repeat the mistake as he said the PDP is better placed to effectively tackle the problems besetting the state.

Speaking at the PDP presidential rally in the state capitals of Damaturu and Maiduguri respectively on Wednesday, he observed that the APC had failed to deliver on all the promises made to the states.

Atiku said: “People of Yobe over three years ago you voted for APC, please I want to ask you all, what has APC done for you all? APC promised security, is there security now? APC promised to create jobs, is there jobs now? APC also promised to revive the economy, is the economy better now?

“Today you are poorer, there is hunger everywhere, insecurity everywhere. People of Yobe state, what I want to tell you is that these people have destroyed everything. Don’t let them take us backwards, don’t vote for APC. This is not a party. They will not create wealth.

“On this note, I want to tell you that my government is for the youth and the women. I will give the youths and women 70 per cent. Don’t let APC take us backwards.”He pointed out that his candidature in the election makes it the first time someone from the northeast would be vying for the presidency in the present democratic dispensation.

The former Vice President stated: “Earlier on, one of our leaders said since the returned of democracy in 1999, this is the first time a northeasterner is a Presidential candidate. Do you want them to take you backwards? People of Yobe state will you vote for PDP?

“Now to the security agencies, the police and military you don’t have business in politics. Let the people vote for whoever they want to vote. Your job is the security of lives and property.

“Now to the youths, when you vote don’t allow them to steal your votes. Wait at the polling unit until they count the votes, announce the winner and write the results.

“This government has not done anything. If you vote for PDP, we will come and repair all the federal roads that have been abandoned by this government. That is they said, your own is your own.”

Also speaking at the rally, the National Chairman of PDP, Prince Uche Secondus, told the people to come out in their numbers, vote and wait to defend their votes.He alleged that the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) plans to use the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) camp to compromise election result but warned that it would not work.

Secondus declared: “We have seen you in your numbers and your leaders have spoken that of a truth, the wind of change has arrived in Yobe.“By the mandate of the ordinary people, I believe and I am convinced on behalf of the leadership of the party that your votes will count on the 16th of February and 2nd of March.

“And so, come out in your numbers fearlessly because the greatest weapon you have is your vote. Come out in your numbers, vote and defend your votes.

“Now to INEC, you cannot manipulate this election. You cannot rig this election. We will continue to hammer on this point because people believe – and we are convinced – that INEC plans for Yobe and Borno are to use IDPs camps to write results and submit to INEC.

“And that is why INEC doesn’t want electronically transmitted results but manually transmitted results so that they can rewrite the results against the will of the people.

“It will not work, we will not accept it, we will reject it. The will of the people must prevail. All of you must come out on Election Day and stand firm. Don’t allow them to cheat you, don’t allow them to steal your votes.

“We have the best candidates, the most competent candidate today in Nigeria. The man that has been tried. The man that has been tried on the private sector and also in the public sector. He is full of energy. He is going to work for you for 24 hours. He will not let you down. He will not outsource the Presidency. He will not rule by the cabal. He will be the commander-in-chief who will come to stop the insurgency in the North East. He will stop it the very moment he is sworn in as the Commander-in-Chief because he will take charge.

“He will create employment across this nation, especially for our teeming youths. He has done it before even in the private sector, public sector.

“And so, you have the President that is cutting across the nation. All the polls have agreed that Atiku Abubakar is winning. They cannot rig him out.”He urged the people to vote for the party’s candidates at both national and state elections.

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