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Tomic: Tennis Australia withdraw player’s support after dispute with Hewitt

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Bernard Tomic is “deliberately trying to damage” Australia’s Davis Cup team culture, says Tennis Australia, who have withdrawn all his support.

Last month, Tomic accused team captain Lleyton Hewitt of ruining the national tennis system, after Hewitt alleged he had threatened him and his family.Tomic, 26, said Hewitt was a “liar” and that “nobody liked him”.

Tennis Australia chief executive Craig Tiley said he was “deeply disappointed” by Tomic’s “ongoing disrespect”.

Tiley added: “Lleyton is right to say Bernard will not be considered for Davis Cup. Bernard does not meet the standards of behaviour and commitment to himself, the team or the sport.

“Now, he is deliberately trying to damage that culture – and not for the first time.”We have given (Tomic) more than a decade of support. Ultimately, we have to draw a line when the behaviour does not warrant the support.”

Former world number one Hewitt, 37, responded to comments made by Tomic after his Australian Open first-round loss in Melbourne.

World number 86 Tomic claimed there was a “conflict of interests” in Hewitt’s Davis Cup team selections and demanded he was removed from the role.

He claimed some players were picked for the Davis Cup team – and given Australian Open wildcards – because they were represented by a management company owned by Hewitt, who won the 2001 US Open and 2002 Wimbledon titles.

Tomic’s father, John, then said he planned legal action against Hewitt over an incident that took place at the 2010 Davis Cup, when Hewitt allegedly came to Tomic’s hotel room in Taiwan and pressured him to reveal who from Tennis Australia was telling him what to say publicly. John Tomic said the incident had left his son “traumatised”.

“In regards to John Tomic’s recent claim in the media about an alleged incident in 2010, we are not aware of any formal complaint lodged by either John or Bernard,” Tiley said.

“Both Bernard and John have enjoyed a lot of support since in many areas of their lives – including a long and sustained period of personal commitment and whole-hearted effort from Lleyton Hewitt as Davis Cup captain.”

Tomic has not played in the Davis Cup since 2016.

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