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IPOB calls out Gov Umahi for statement against it

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Pamela Eboh, Awka

The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) has condemned what it described as frivolous, unsubstantiated and perverse the statement credited to Ebonyi State Governor, David Umahi against the group.

Umahi had in a recent chat with journalists after the inauguration of the ‘Operation Python Dance 111 by the Nigerian army said his wife received a text message from purported IPOB members of IPOB saying they would kidnap south east governors.

The group wondered if the governor is using it as a tool to please its northern master by picking on it.IPOB noted that Umahi’s statement is symptomatic of the shameful and complicit role the Igbo governors have continued to play in the death of unarmed Biafrans,

A statement made available to journalists in Awka by IPOB media and publicity secretary, Comrade Emma Powerful, the group said, “The stock in trade of the south east governors is treachery and betrayal but unfortunately for them we IPOB will match them every step of the way until their conniving treacherous scheme is brought to an end.

“Isn’t it sad Dave Umahi and his fellow quislings never foresaw Fulani herdsmen invasion of our land but are quick to invite the army to occupy our land and kill us Biafrans as usual. Why have they till date never called for the army to attack a violent Fulani group attacking every community in Biafra land but they are always in the habit of wanting the death of IPOB members.

“Dave Umahi and his cohorts should pray very hard that no Biafran life is lost during this their latest phase of Operation Python Dance of Shame 3 against innocent Biafrans.

“Fulani slaves parading themselves as Igbo governors have perfected plan to use soldiers deployed to the south east to abduct, arrest and preferably kill top IPOB leaders in Biafraland or anybody suspected to be IPOB member because of IPOB’s resolve to boycott next month’s presidential elections.

The group regretted that the Ebonyi State governor and his counterparts, including Abuja politicians were hosting the army with glee the way Dave Umahi and co did a few days ago in Abakaliki.

Continuing the statement said, “Was it not announced that this latest round of Operation Python Dance was nationwide. How come it’s only Igbo governors that is welcoming them with open arms? This question must be asked by every intelligent person. If nothing is done to checkmate the rabid treachery of Igbo governors, we shall continue to suffer the consequences for the next 70 years.

“Boko Haram is ravaging the north where this same brave army has been humiliated countless times but Igbo governors slavishly invited them into our land to fight IPOB instead.

“Years of betrayal and the sacrilegious act committed by Igbo governors and Ohaneze against their people through Operation Python Dance is what will kill them not IPOB. Their Fulani masters cannot save them. This crop of Igbo governors will be recorded in history as the worst of the very worst.”

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