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IDPs protested against registration, not hunger in Borno, says NEMA, SEMA

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AHMED MARI. Maiduguri

The Borno State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA) and the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) have said that contrary to reports, the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) did not protest over hunger.

The SEMA and NEMA in a joint Press Briefing held at the SEMA office, Maiduguri on Wednesday said contrary to the media reports that the IDPs were protesting over non-distribution of food items in the last 35 days was not true.

Addressing   journalists, the Chairperson SEMA, Hajiya Yabawa Kolo, said: “The IDPs protested against registration process and not non -distribution if relief materials and that the IDPs from Teachers’ Village were given foods on 24 January 2019

“To put the record straight, since the massive displacement of people from Cross Kauwa, Baga, and other villages in Northern Borno, NEMA and SEMA give significant amount of food and non- foods items twice”, she added.

Mrs. Kolo said the doors of the SEMA and NEMA are always open for clarifications and balanced reportage, adding that the protest reports lacks objectivity.

Also speaking, the NEMA Head of Food distribution, Commodore Manga Danjuma, said the IDPs were given 58.9 kg per household which is even more than global standard of 51 kg.

“Due to the forthcoming elections, we are commencing the distribution if the food items next week as against   25th February scheduled time”, he added.

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