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2019, a year of uncertainty—Apostle Timothy

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Apostle Collins Timothy is the General Overseer of Olive Mountain of Prayer and Praise Ministry,  Ijegun, Ikotun , Lagos. In this interview with Daily Champion, he speaks on what Nigerians should expect in 2019.

 As a prophet, what is the Lord saying about the incoming year 2019?

The incoming year is a bloody year.  I see 2019 as a year that will be bloodier than the outgoing year 2018. Blood will flow across the nation but God can still avert it if Nigerians submit to God in true repentance.  The level of killings across the nation in 2018 cannot be compared with what is going to happen in the coming year.

I see bloodbath in 2019, I am not saying these things to please or displease anybody. I don’t dabble into politics because of the intention of the political actors who are there to feather their own nests but I am only playing my role as a true minister of God. The system is corrupt but I am called to preach peace and pray for the wellbeing of the nation and liberate the people from their problems.

I see disagreement on the outcome of the forthcoming general elections which will lead to crisis that will claim many lives particularly in Northern Nigeria. I will advise the people especially Christians whose relatives reside in the North to urge them to relocate to other parts of the country because these killings will be targeted at Christians in the North. Terrorists’ attacks will increase in 2019.

There will be food abundance in the land if the choice of the majority of Nigerians is respected in the presidential election but if the process is manipulated, unprecedented hunger and hardship will envelop the land. Hunger will be so severe that many people will find it difficult to feed themselves and it will get to a situation where people will resort to cannibalism to survive.

God has been giving to us lots of revelations about this country right from 2008 and most of these revelations have been fulfilled. For instance, I predicted about the emergence of a construction company from China that would displace Julius Berger in Lagos State and other parts of the country, this was published by your paper in January 2008.

Similarly, in 2010, I warned the nation that the Boko Haram would resort to terrorism and that the group would appear in human form but with animals’ heart and that they would shed much blood in the northern part of the country.

I also gave a prophecy on the 24th of January 2009 about the then President, Alhaji Umaru Musa Yar’Adua when I saw him being flown out of the country and I was shown that he couldn’t come back to the country alive and I stated this in one of my prophecies at the time. In 2010, I also spoke about Dr Goodluck Jonathan taking the mantle of the country’s leadership; there were many of such fulfilled prophecies.

What do you see concerning Lagos and other states of the federation in the coming year?

There will be more laws in Lagos State that may make many people to relocate to other places. Denying Governor Akinwnmi Ambode the opportunity of going for second term is not the best for the development of the state, Ambode should have done better in making Lagos a place of dwelling to everyone but the person they are bringing in to govern the state will not fare better.

There will be multiple taxations to the extent that some house owners may want to sell off their houses because of levies on such properties. Accommodations will be scarce and it will cost more to secure accommodation in the state but we are praying for God’s intervention.

There will be conflicts in Abia State. Security operatives should monitor Ibeku and Aba because crisis will erupt from these areas during and after the coming elections.

But a major crisis will be witnessed in Imo State and it will take lives. The state will witness electoral violence as the process will be disrupted in several areas, there will be problems, and ballot boxes will be hijacked. There will be plans to hack into the Independent National Commission (INEC)’s data base. There will be war and many lives will be lost, there will be massive killings in the riot that will ensure, we have to pray to God to intervene.

 In the light of these revelations, how would you advise the citizens and the nation’s leadership?  

Any leadership without the fear of God can never execute good judgment. Any leader that does not fear God will always bring problems to the people he leads, all he does will fetch negative consequence to the land. Our prayer point now is that God should wipe out all the evil minded men and women that are on the helms of affairs of this country that is the only way this nation can progress and have peace. Even in some churches today so many altars have been taken over by the kingdom of darkness and satanic agents.

Satanic altars exist in several places and some men are giving false prophecies and deceiving some gullible individuals. Some are operating with magical powers while some claim that they are the Christ himself. However, this is fulfillment of the end time scriptures that says that men will be lovers of themselves rather than lovers of God.

My advice to the whole citizens is that they should embrace God and look up to him instead of looking up to men, no matter their status men will always disappoint them. Nigerians should stop running after miracles and run to Christ because miracles will cease but Christ the Word of God remains forever. Many people have been misled as a result of running after miracles.  God will help us to liberate such people. So in 2019, let Nigerians embrace Christ for in him is salvation and protection.

For a better society



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